The MAX-C® resilient coupling is available in three styles-K2, WB and CB. Fourth style-UB (urethane cylindrical block design) has been superseded by the K2, but is still available for sale.
K2: Urethane wedge shaped blocks. Used on electric motor driving cranes, pumps, feed rolls, fans, conveyors bow thruster, manipulators, etc.
WB: Rubber block in wedge shape. The rubber blocks come in various shore hardness and are typically custom-engineered for an application. They are used on synchronous and variable frequency motors driving, for example:
• Compressors
• Kiln drives
• Steel mill main drives
• Crushers
• ID and FD fans
These come in a wide range of sizes and torque capacity.
CB: Rubber blocks are cylindrical shape. Also available in various hardness, like the WB design. They are available in various sizes and torque ranges, typically custom-engineered. They are primarily used in the following applications:
• diesel engines driving generator sets
• fire pumps
• torque converters
• marine drives
• drill rigs
• main propulsion
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